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Register Now: Let's Build Portland

The Missing Middle Housing Fund (MMHF) is excited to announce that registration is now open for its Let’s Build Portland event on May 15, 2024, from 10am-4pm at Autodesk.


Let’s Build Portland is a workforce housing solutions summit that brings together community changemakers interested in housing product and design, labor, financing, and policy innovations. It’s a day to launch collaborative workforce housing solutions.


Please join us if you:

  1. Have an innovation that decreases the time and cost to build, especially in product design and manufacturing, financing and development, labor, or policy reform

  2. Are interested in building more workforce housing in your community

  3. Are an employer whose biggest barrier to hiring and retaining talent is the housing affordability and accessibility crisis


Prior Let’s Build events across Oregon have resulted in:

  1. Initiatives that combine community leaders and innovations in policy, design and construction, and finance

  2. Innovation companies meeting clients that sponsor pilot projects

  3. The creation of new financial tools to support workforce housing

  4. Elected officials and employers changing how their cities facilitate workforce housing creation


Attendees should note – this is a WORKING summit. Trained facilitators will guide working groups to propose launch plans for real change. Talking heads and panels are not on the agenda.


There is no cost to attend Let’s Build Portland and lunch will be provided. Please sign up on our website HERE.


The MMHF would like to give special thanks to Autodesk, Inc. for their support.


Please contact Amy Snyder with any event questions @

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